Mike Saltzstein Speaks on How a Worker’s Compensation Attorney Can Help You Get Your Injury Claim


Although injuries at the workplace entitle the employees to workers' compensation insurance benefits, however, often employers or their insurers deny their legitimate claim. At this point, you can obviously try to appeal and enter into complex legal systems on your own, but it will seem to be overwhelming for you.

Working with an experienced attorney focused on worker's compensation can get you a greater chance of winning the benefits that you deserve. Mike Saltzstein, a visionary and professional specializing in strategic planning, worker’s compensation claims, multi-line claims, and financial structures says that a legal professional makes this hard task possible in the following ways

Gathering Evidence

Inadequate medical evidence is likely to be the most common cause that claims for worker’s compensation are rejected. Lawyers know this well and thankfully it’s the law that empowers them to reach directly the physicians who take care of the injured worker. This helps them

·         Collecting all relevant medical records.

·         Arranging the treatment of the workers by certain physicians.

·         Gathering medical opinions from the physicians treating you and even if required to seek independent medical examination.

·         Representing on your behalf in the court as and when you are asked to appear and replaying at depositions.

·         Arranging depositions of expert medical practitioners.

·         In addition, they gather a range of evidence that may strengthen your claim.

Negotiates Settlement Agreements

Long experience in worker’s compensation helps the lawyers to evaluate the worth of your injury case (that means the benefits you deserve) at the time of negotiating with the insurance company of your employer. To estimate the value of your benefits, the lawyers consider the following factors   

·         The degree of injuries that you have experienced.

·         The earlier medical expenses that you have borne in addition to expenses toward future medical treatment if you need as recommended by the doctors.

·         In case, there is a likelihood that you will have prolonged impairments for this. In such case, you will be entitled to permanent disability benefits too.

·         Wage loss etc.

Lawyers are well aware of the tricky techniques that insurance companies follow to offer the lowest possible benefit. Thus working with lawyers ensures that you are likely to get the maximum possible amount of benefits with their productive negotiating ability.

Represents You At The Time Of Hearing Or Trial

In maximum cases, disputes with insurance companies about workplace injury are settled beyond the court. However, in case it moves to the courtroom hearing or trial, the lawyer represents you before the workers' comp judge in the investigation process. For this, the attorney may obtain depositions of witnesses, and prepare petitions based on your medical records to respond to the lawyer of the insurance company. They also ensure that all documents are submitted on a timely basis.

According to Mike Saltzstein, depending on how your employer and insurance company cooperate to help you get the lawful benefits of a worker's compensation claim, you need to decide if you require a lawyer’s support. Some of the situations when consulting a lawyer is important are also stated by him.

·         If you don’t possess or are not provided with sufficient medical documents as evidence that can support your claim.

·         If the amount of your claim is fairly hefty or your injury is serious and likely to take long-erm to recover.

·         The employer disagrees with your claim/ or your claim is denied.

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