Spinal cord stimulation, also known as neurostimulation, is a medical procedure used to manage chronic pain. It involves the use of a device that delivers electrical pulses to the spinal cord to relieve pain. Moreover, spinal cord stimulation in Chicago has been proven effective in treating various types of chronic pain, including back and limb pain, neuropathic pain, post-surgical pain, and complex regional pain syndrome. In this article, we will explore how spinal cord stimulation works and how it can provide relief for individuals suffering from chronic pain.
Mechanism of Action
Spinal cord stimulation works by interrupting
pain signals to the brain. When an individual experiences chronic pain, the
nerves in the affected area send continuous pain signals to the brain, even
when there is no actual tissue damage. These pain signals can be debilitating
and significantly affect an individual's quality of life. You can ask an expert
about the science
behind spinal cord stimulators and how they work to relieve pain. A small device called a spinal
cord stimulator is surgically implanted in the body. The simulator consists of
leads with electrodes embedded at their tips, which are placed near the spinal
cord. These electrodes deliver electrical pulses that interfere with the pain
signals traveling to the brain. This interference causes a tingling sensation,
known as paresthesia, which replaces the feeling of pain.
The Trial Period
Before undergoing the surgical implantation of
a spinal cord stimulator, patients are first put through a trial period to test
its effectiveness in reducing their pain. During this period, temporary leads
with electrodes are placed near the spinal cord and connected to an external
power source. The patient then goes about their daily activities while keeping
track of their pain levels. If the trial period is successful in reducing pain,
then the patient can proceed with permanent implantation of the spinal cord
Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation
Spinal cord stimulation has several benefits for
individuals suffering from chronic pain. Firstly, it allows patients to reduce
or eliminate their dependence on medication, which can have adverse side
effects and lead to long-term health issues. Secondly, it can significantly
improve an individual's quality of life by reducing pain and enabling them to
engage in daily activities without limitations. Lastly, spinal cord stimulation
is a reversible procedure, which means that the device can be removed if
necessary. You can also read
this blog to learn more
about the benefits of spinal cord stimulators and how it can improve your
quality of life.